Critical Thinking: A Tool To Solve Everyday Problems

What is Critical Thinking?
Before you start to look at the true meaning of critical thinking, it is helpful to first have a look at how the dictionary defines the term.
“The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment”
As is apparent from the definition, the meaning of the word is pretty clear cut. It stands for the in depth analysis of a problem in order to arrive at the best possible solution in order to solve it. So it is safe to assume that critical thinking is meant to be used as a tool to solve everyday problems, regardless of their size and nature.
Here is another definition, to help you understand the concept better. This definition is courtesy of The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking:
“intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action”
This definition goes a step further and explains, in detail, the various steps that are involved in critical thinking. It speaks of the various elements of consideration, in terms of the number of things that you must consider, before arriving at a decision.
So, to put it simply, critical thinking refers to a person observing a situation, identifying the problem, analyzing it through the lens of experience and arriving at a conclusive decision to solve it rationally.
It will allow the individual to arrive at clear cut solutions to tackle these everyday problems head on and to solve them.
A critical thinker will have a data bank of the various problems and will only have to think a little to retrieve the data, which will help tackle problem posed by the current situation.
Critical Thinking and Intelligence
Critical thinking and intelligence are believed to go hand in hand. Unfortunately, that is one of the biggest misconceptions in regard to the subject. Intelligence refers to a person being extremely capable of solving difficult problems, just with maximum use of his/her brain.
Critical thinking, on the other hand, refers to people critically analyzing a situation and arriving at feasible solution, which may not necessarily be prompted by intelligence. So the two thought processes can differ in many ways and are not interdependent.
An intelligent person might have lots of memories, data and information stored up, which he/she can immediately access in order to arrive at a solution. A critical thinker might not have such data readily available and will have to thoroughly analyze the situation and spend a little time in thinking of a solution. Both aspects can be critical in helping a person attain an applicable solution to the problem in question and it is just the process of getting there might differ.
For example, when presented with similar problems, an intelligent person might think for just a few minutes and devise a plan to tackle the problem. A critical thinker, on the other hand, might have faced a similar problem in the past and will immediately put into action a pre-set solution to the problem.
There are many elements that are part of the critical thinking process. Each of them is explained below:
The most important aspect of critical thinking is coming up with feasible arguments. Arguments are nothing but premises and conclusions. Although this is seen as being the last step, it is also one of the most important. A critical thinker is required to set up arguments and draw logical conclusions from it.
Analyzing arguments
Once the various arguments are finalized, a person must identify the vague and incoherent arguments. In order to do so, the thinker must view the argument through the lens of suspicion and identify the solutions that are most vague.
Safeguarding the facts
The next step for a critical thinker involves identifying all the facts and making sure that nothing has been left out. It will be important to safeguard the facts so as to avoid losing any crucial data and also not allowing it to get mixed with illogical arguments. Once all the facts have been established, the thinker can safely move to the next step.
Critical thinkers are required to analyze if the existing premises point toward conclusions. That is to say, if the premises hold any truth to them, then so should the conclusions. They need to be interdependent and, more or less, extremely similar in nature. If they are too vague, then that might cause problems during the implementation of the solution.
Once all the solutions have been arrived at through critical evaluation, viz. evidence collection, argument formation, fact differentiation etc. they need to be applied practically. This is one of the main steps, as no problem can be solved without practical application of feasible solutions.
Arguments against critical thinking
Many people argue that critical thinking will diminish a person’s creativity as he/she will always apply a pre-set or predefined solution. That will, in turn, not allow him/her to think laterally, thereby not promoting creativity.
That is not true. No critical thinker will apply the pre-set solutions as is. They will have to modify it to suit the current situation. There can never be a proper and pre-set solution that will be readily available and only an outline or a skeleton will be present. It will be the thinker’s duty to fill in the muscles and the organs.
There is also the argument that states how critical thinking might throw a person off course and cause him/her to complicate a situation rather than to solve it.
That statement, however, is also completely false. The very concept of critical thinking is to help a person deduce the most feasible solution and not waste time with unwanted ones. The process of critical thinking will allow a person to go through all types of solutions and only implement the best one.
These arguments cannot possibly diminish the value of critical thinking and only help in promoting its true value.
We have looked at the meaning and the various aspects of critical thinking. Here, we look at the process that occurs during critical thinking.
Before we look at the very process itself, it is important for you to understand that this is just a generic structure and it can differ from person to person. This explanation is only to help you start with the process and allow you to implement it on a daily basis. It is only through regular practice that you will be able to become a bona fide critical thinker.
The first step involves recognizing the problem. When presented with a situation, it is for you to understand it and pinpoint the actual problem. Many times, the problem might not be apparent or it might have a deep rooted connotation. So you have to decide on what the problem truly is and, if it is not too apparent, then what you must do to find out. You might have to make use of certain tools that will be in your power such as vision, hearing, etc. Once you successfully recognize the problem, you have to prepare yourself for the next step.
The next step of the process is for you to analyze the problem. You have to interpret it in a manner that will allow you to understand it thoroughly and also make way for you to dissect it. Only through dissection will you be able to make sense of it and thoroughly understand its various dynamics. If you simply identify the problem and start to apply solutions in general terms then it will be useless. You might waste time in doing so and so, it will be important for you to completely and thoroughly analyze and understand the problem. And this simply has to be a follow up to the first step, as it will be critical for you to follow a set pattern every single time.
Gather information
The next step will require you to gather all the pertinent information in regard to the problem. You might have to go to the extent of acquiring both primary and secondary data and then make a comprehensive set of data. The information must be pertinent to the situation and the problem and you must avoid collecting and gathering data that will not be of any use to the situation, thus recognizing data that is only vaguely related to it.
At the same time, you have to also try and collect lateral data that will allow you to question the truth and thereby strengthen your analysis. So don’t be shy to collect data that will be abstract in nature.
Logical analysis
Once you gather the information, you have to apply your mind to it and practically try and apply the solutions to the recognized problems. All the data that is collected needs to be interpreted thoroughly so as to allow you to arrive at feasible and situation-specific solutions. Again, the solutions must be specific and not generic. For example, if a baker wants to expand his business, then he must ideally invest in more equipment as opposed to expanding the size of his physical shop. All the data that is collected must be put to use as the dynamics of the solution can vary depending on the amount of data that is analyzed.
One of the most important aspects of critical thinking is devising arguments. Arguments are nothing but a set of statements, with one being the solution and the rest being premises to it ormere assumptions. It is the critical thinker’s duty to surmise which statement is the solution and which one is a mere assumption.
Decision making
Once all the solutions have been obtained, after careful analysis and practical application, only the best solutions must be finalized. You have to make the decision of finding the best solutions and also use bona fide foresight. You have to be able to tell the consequences that your actions will
have and know how effectively you will be able to solve the problem. You have to be able to draw conclusions and analyze them through a logical lens. As much as you would like to take a risk, it is better that you only choose the solution that will garner sure-shot results.
Once you devise the solution to the problem, you have to be quick in implementing it. What is the point in wasting time, once you have the solution in your hands? You have to put all your solutions and conclusions to the test and not stop until the results are apparent and are satisfactory. If you stop half way, then you will end up losing out on the chance of successfully beating out a problem.
Once the problem is successfully solved, you can start to create a data bank in your mind. But before you do so, you have to question yourself on whether what you implemented was the best solution and whether you are satisfied with the time that it took. If you are, then you can store the information as is, but if you feel that you could have gone about it in a smoother manner and in a quicker time, then you must alter the incident and store the data as an edited version.
It is important for you to apply critical thinking on a daily basis, in order to successfully turn it into a habit. We will look at the various ways in which you can make the most of your everyday problem solving and try and practice critical thinking on a daily basis.
Make the best use of time
Make the best use of the time that you have on your hands. Most people do not realize how much they are wasting their time. They tend to watch television, listen to music or play games. Instead of doing all that, just by sitting down for an hour and looking back at the day that has passed, can
help in the process of developing critical thinking. Doing this on a daily basis will help you identify your strengths and your weaknesses.
Tackle one thing at a time
When you analyze your daily activities and identify your strengths and weaknesses, you must try and tackle one problem at a time. Start by listing out all your weaknesses and tackling them one ata time. Once you find that you are able to conquer your weaknesses, work on your strengths. Your strengths should be in terms of your capacity in performing critical thinking and being able to take rational decisions. You must try and build arguments for the various situations and problems in your life.
Step by step approach
You were made aware of the various aspects of critical thinking and were also exposed to the mechanism that the brain employs while making rational decisions. Thus, in order to establish the habit of critical thinking, you must practice each step. Try and concentrate on the observational aspect for a week and then move on to the process of building arguments and so on and so forth. Make sure that you practice on everyday problems and mundane situations.
Record your progress
Maintain a book and record your progress. One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is to maintain a book. Record your progress by analyzing a situation and how you tackle a problem. Write down a step by step guide for easy reference and you will start to see an apparent difference as time passes. Write down a lesson at the end of each page so as to understand the right and the wrong approaches that you have learned.
Modify your habits
You must modify your daily habits in order to incorporate critical thinking. Consciously make time for the habit and try to spend some time on a daily basis trying to improve your thinking capacity. Understand your forte and try to indulge in diverse activities.
Tackle your autopilot mode
You must learn to tackle your auto pilot mode and try to stop taking unconscious decisions. Before you arrive at a solution and implement it, spend some time to evaluate whether you are subconsciously taking the decision. If you are, then analyze the situation again and apply critical
thinking. You have to try and have a control over your mind to the highest possible level in order to think critically, every single time.
Change perspective
You must change your perspective every now and then. When faced with a problem that involves another person, try and think of it from their point of view as well. That will allow you to arrive at a decision at a faster pace. For example, if you are fighting over something and have reached deadlock then try to think from the other person’s perspective, in order to find the most feasible and fast solution. That way, you will derive dual benefits. Not only will you save time but you will also be able to increase your critical thinking skills.
Be reasonable/ practical
In all of your critical thinking practice, you have to be reasonable and practical to the farthest extent. Although it is advised for you to make a list of all abstract solutions as well, just to build a counter argument to your feasible solutions, it is recommended that you be as reasonable as possible. If you assume that by thinking in extremes, you will be able to devise quick solutions that will not fail you then you might be thinking wrongly. Although critical thinking does encourage creativity, it does not do it to an extent that allows you to be vague. You have to work within acceptable limits and be able to find contradictions, which will help you deduce the right solution.
Have a partner
When you take up something new, it is advisable that you have a partner to assist you. Not only will you remain motivated but also have the opportunity to enact the various problems and help find feasible solutions. And if you do it with someone that you love or who loves you like a life partner or best friend, then you will help each other develop mental sharpness.
Here, we focus on how you can improve your decision making skills. One thing that is worth bringing to your notice is that your critical thinking capacity and decision making capability will only improve if you make the most of your brain. And in order to do so, you can apply either a direct or an abstract approach.
The following are a combination of both these approaches, where some will directly improve your decision-making skills and some will have an indirect bearing upon them. You must practice each one on a daily basis, in order to reap its full benefits.
When faced with a problem or a decision-making opportunity, you must simultaneously look for a distraction. The distraction will help you concentrate better on the problem. The distraction should be within limits and allow you to unwind. It can be a hobby like painting or something that
will have a therapeutic effect on you. You can also join a class like a dance or yoga class and as long as it will allow you to completely cut out the problem for a few hours; you will help sharpen
your decision and thinking skills.
Learn new languages
One of the best things that you can do to improve your decision making skill is to learn a new language. As vague and abstract as that may sound, it has scientific backing. When you learn a new language, your brain starts to grow bigger and, in turn, allows you to think better. And when you think better, you automatically start to make better decisions. Make sure that you learn a
foreign language as opposed to a local one. Try to start with a simple one and then move to a tough one like Mandarin. Make sure that you learn 1 new language a year and avoid going for too much too soon.
You must exercise on a daily basis, in order to cut down on the level of cortisol in your brain. Cortisol is the chemical that can cause you to undertake stress, which can, in turn, affect your decision-making capacity. You have to try and work out for at least 30 minutes a day and try to
keep it as varied as possible, to avoid monotony. You can try cardio one day, lift weights, take up swimming, perform aerobics etc. You must also take a couple of days off, otherwise you might overdo it.
You must consume a balanced diet, in order to develop a good critical thinking and decision making capacity. Make sure you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. You must also incorporate at least 8 glasses of water a day or balance it out by consuming juices. Try and avoid buying processed foods, as they will contain unsaturated fats, which can cause your body more harm than good. You must also avoid consuming junk foods, as they will also contain fats and unhealthy ingredients, which can cause your brain to secrete cortisol. Try to make your own junk food substitutes as much as possible.
Meditation is a great way for you to relax your mind. If you wish to be a critical thinker and also be able to take timely and important decisions, then you must meditate or take up a relaxing stance. Meditating can help improve your memory power and also keep stress and tensions at bay. You can improve your mind’s capacity for analyzing a situation and coming up with bona fide solutions and conclusions. That will allow you to turn into a proficient thinker and also help you be a calmer and more rational person.
Social life
In order to have increased mental development, you have to have an extensive social life. You have to have a big friend circle and also try and have friends of all ages. When you interact with such a wide group of people, you develop the tendency of thinking at all levels. You will be capable of understanding and analyzing a situation from the various lenses and be able to set a large argument base. You can indulge in small talk with strangers, in order to expand your social circle.
To be very honest, this is one of the most ideal ways for you to expand your mental capacity. You have to read on a daily basis, in order to understand the various ways in which you can increase your potential. You must read the newspaper daily and be up to date with all the latest news. You must also read books of all genres. You can join a book club in order to keep you motivated and meet other readers and openly propagate your thoughts and opinions. You can also read a book in a foreign language, which will keep you more concentrated on the subject matter.
You have to travel around, in order to expand your mental horizons. How can you live under a rock and be intelligent? You have to get out there and explore the world. You must make the effort of going to the various places the world has to offer and try understanding each and every culture you come across. You can also take your family along; as it will help you establish a better bond. When you feel connected with them, you feel relaxed and rest assured that come what may, you will always have their support. That assurance will allow you to take risks and arrive at better decisions.
Now that we have looked at the various things that you can do on a daily basis to improve your decision-making skill, it is worth looking now at the benefits of utilizing critical thinking in problem solving.
1. Professional benefits
Idea building
Critical thinking can help in building new ideas. Say, for example, a new problem arises at your workplace. By employing group critical thinking you can come up with a lot of solutions, which will help in the formulation of arguments. Once the arguments are analyzed, you can zero in on the best solutions. Slowly, you will create an effective databank and be able to solve problems at a faster pace on a daily basis, thereby increasing your productivity.
Team work
Critical thinking can help build teamwork. When a problem arises, everybody will have to discuss and determine the various ways in which that problem can be tackled. When such group meetings occur, people are bound to grow closer. Teamwork building will help everybody that is involved and help you to find answers that suit the team.
No organisation will stagnate when the workers employ critical thinking. There will be no room for monotony as creativity will be encouraged every time that there is a problem. The organisation is sure to progress and so will the organisation employees.
Client building
By providing meaningful and feasible solutions to your clients, you will increase your customer base. And by doing so, you will increase your profits and allow your business to grow. Your customers and clients will be appreciative of your lateral and “out of the box” thinking methods in
providing them with quick solutions and, through word of mouth, your business will grow.
2. Social benefits
Better compatibility
Critical thinking can promote open mindedness. With such an attitude, it will be easy for people to get on together. Society will come together as an entire unit and try and find feasible solutions to the various problems that arise. Compatibility is one of the main factors that determines whether a society can survive and progress together and through the implementation of critical thinking and subsequent problem solving, it will be extremely easy to establish compatibility. There will be less fights and more progress.
Bigger reach
When you apply critical thinking and solve problems, people will take an instant liking towards you. You will be much appreciated and your friend circle will grow. You will start to make friends with people at all levels, which can, in turn, improve your professional life as well. You can also attain a very influential position and can command a lot of respect. You will drive away any negativity and allow only positive people and circumstances to surround you.
3. Personal benefits
Less misunderstandings
When you have critical thinking as an option, you can help avoid fights and distance misunderstandings. With fewer problems on the home and personal front, you will be able to concentrate better in your workplace. It will help you in increasing your productivity and making the most of your intelligence. You will not have to worry about going back to people who do not understand you and, just by thinking from their perspective every now and then, you will be able to help them look from yours. And with such compatibility, you will remain motivated to practice more and more critical thinking and apply it to all the various problems in life, small and big.
Better genes
If you include the habit of critical thinking into your life on a daily basis, then you can imbibe it in your genes. And once it is completely imbibed and a part and parcel of your DNA, then you will pass it on to the next generation. You will help your children and grandchildren develop the same habits as you and thereby create a bright future for them. And if you can get your partner to
join in and practice critical thinking on a daily basis, then you will double the chance of your kids developing the habit and consequently leading better lives.
I thank you once again for coming to this website and hope you had a good time reading these three article series. As is apparent, the main aim of the articles was to propagate the idea of lateral and critical thinking and showing you how you can solve your problems on a daily basis. The idea
is to also help you understand the process of problem solving. There is an article that gives you the steps that you can follow to overcome any problem. In the same article you have been given an example which shows you how you can solve the problem of facing a chronic disease.
At times you might be the only one facing a problem and might not want everybody to see that you are uncomfortable or are deeply affected by the problem. Problem solving saves the day during such situations. These problems can be large or small but as long as they are helping you to find
feasible solutions, you will be required to tackle them with rationality. That is where you will be required to put on your critical thinking caps. Problem solving and critical thinking go hand in hand. It is only when you think creatively or out of the box that you will be able to identify a solution to the problem.
As we first saw in this last article, critical thinking is the process of observing a situation and arriving at feasible solutions to the problems that are part of that situation. It stands for the entire process of decision-making starting right from observation of a problem and ending with a
The rest of the article was focused on understanding the process of critical thinking and how you must apply them in your day to day life, and included how you can successfully improve your decision making capacity as well as how it is possible to alter it through direct and indirect means.
Finally, we shed some light on the various ways in which you can benefit from critical thinkingand solve problems in your personal, social and professional lives.
I hope you make the most of all the information that was provided in the three articles and also try and act on it immediately. It is also hoped that you increase your level of thinking and develop the confidence of solving any problem with rationality and increase your productivity at the same
Life is a series of problems to be solved and difficulties to overcome. Your problem solving abilities are essential to getting paid more and promoted faster. Success is the ability to make a decision and achieve an ideal solution.
Good Luck!