About Us

Our objective is to offer you the best resources available in the personal development field in order to help you see a better path and better habits to success in every area of your life:

Career, financial, family, education, self improvement, parenting, friendships, relationships, spirituality, health, physical fitness, love, passion and intimacy. I really want you to avoid the hassle and waste of time that results from trying to navigate through the overload of information online.

Ushauri Smart community focuses on two key elements:

  1. Creating powerful mindset you need to live a happy, prosperous and successful life.
  2. Raising your level of consciousness to create lasting impact on you and people around you.


“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain
The best place to start is probably by looking around you. What do you see? Look at your surroundings, the environment, and the people around you. Think of your current life conditions: work, health, family, friends, people surrounding you. What do they look like? Are you happy with what you see? Now look inside of you. How do you feel RIGHT NOW in this moment? Are you satisfied with your life? Are you longing for more? Do you believe that you can be happy and successful? What is missing from your life that you need to call your life happy and/or successful? Why do some people seem to have everything and other people nothing? Most people have no idea how they get what they get. Some of us just blame it on fate and chance. I’m sorry that I have to be the one to tell you: “Sorry friend! You have created the life you have! Everything that happens to you is created by YOU – either consciously by design or unconsciously by default; it’s not a result of fate or circumstances”.

I decided to start this blog because I’m seeing so many people that are dreaming of improving their life, being happier, becoming wealthier yet according to them, the only way that could happen would be due to some kind of miracle: winning the betting jackpot, marrying a rich partner, or some other stroke of luck. They are looking for outside influences to happen by chance and change everything. They think life happens to them. Most of them have no idea that they can be in total control of their life each and every moment and every day of their lives. So they continue daydreaming, doing those things that they’ve always done, and waiting for some miraculous outcome. Sometimes they actually don’t even know what they want! The following is a conversation I actually had:

Q:”What would you do if you had enough time and money?”
A:”Whao! That would be great! I would be happy!”
Q:”And what would ‘being happy’ look like to you?”
A:”I would do everything I want to do!”
Q:”And what is ‘everything you want to do’?”
A:”Oh! Now you got me. I don’t even know!”

The truth is that if they would only stop for one moment, ask themselves what they really want in life, write down their goals and start working towards them, they could actually make those miracles happen. I see it day in and day out with all people who have become successful: people that wanted to change something in their lives, and instead of sitting around and waiting and dreaming of a better life, they actually took matters in their own hands and started taking action!
And the results were fabulous! Remember: You are leading the life that you have chosen! How? This is because we create our life every moment through our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations and our mind is so powerful that it will give us what we ask for. The good thing is that you can train your mind to give you only the things you want, and not the things that you don’t want! And it gets even better: you can learn how to deal with things that you can’t control in a more efficient and less painful manner.

The most important message of this blog is: Your happiness depends on YOU, and nobody else! In this blog, I want to introduce you to some proven tips, tactics, tools, and exercises that can improve your life beyond your imagination if you practice them constantly and persistently.  More good news: You don’t need to win the jackpot to be happy! You can start by doing little things in your life differently in a constant and consistent manner, and over time results will show. This is how successful people achieve incredible results: creating new habits and working towards
their goals consistently, and doing things that bring them closer to their goals every single day. It is possible! You can do it! You deserve it!

Another important message of this blog is that people can change. It’s not necessarily easy, but it
is possible with the right motivation and the right information about how to go about it. The problem has always been, Where do we go to get the right information? The solution is here; ushaurismart.com. Simply reading our articles won’t help you a lot, though. You have to take ACTION! That’s the most important part – (and it is also the part that I have struggled with the most for many years). You have to start doing and practicing the exercises and introducing new habits into your life. Follow these precepts and you will revolutionize your life. It’s simple, it’s just not easy.


Ushauri Smart community wants to know your story, we want to know who you are and how we can help you. Like you we are also learning and are really excited to see you grow but also to learn from you. Please, feel free to interact with us. We respond to all emails and you can also connect with us via our X account, Facebook and Instagram pages. Hope to hear from you soon.